The Films of Christopher Nolan

The Films of Christopher Nolan

Screen Cleaning - Season 3, Episode 19

  • May 16, 2020 6:00 am
  • 52:44 mins
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For two months of quarantine in the US, the outlook for new releases has been dim. But there is one film still on the schedule for mid-July that demands to be seen on the big screen and will take the temperature of our potential return to theaters. Tenet will be Christopher Nolan's 11th feature film and boy do we hope to see it in a couple months. Dive into the Screen Cleaning archives today as we listen back to the tenth ever episode where Jeff and Cole recap the films of Chris Nolan up to Dunkirk including his favorite tropes, stellar use of music, and of course Batman. You're not dreaming or traveling through time, for the first time on the podcast feed, it's the films of Christopher Nolan on Screen Cleaning.