Journalistic Credibility, Parental Depression, Harper Lee

Journalistic Credibility, Parental Depression, Harper Lee

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 4, Episode 19

  • Feb 9, 2015 7:00 am
  • 2:15:28 mins

JOURNALISTIC CREDIBILITY Allegations continue to spread about Brian Williams, anchor and managing editor of "NBC Nightly News," was embellishing or making up facts on two major news stories he was involved with. We talk with Robert Walz, a professor of journalism at BYU, who compared it to a doctor losing his professional respect for "killing the patient." He said there's a zero-tolerance policy among journalists for false facts. If the allegations turn out to be true, NBC would have to fire Williams, though Walz believes they won't because Williams is more of an entertainer than a real journalist. He describes Williams as a commoddity NBC uses to sell credibility to its audience. PARENTING ROLES AND DEPRESSION In stressful family circumstances, parenthood sometimes take a bigger toll on fathers’ mental health. We talk with Dr. Kevin Shafer, a professor of social work at BYU, who explored this topic with researchers at Princeton University. He says parents who take on multiple r...

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