How to Spot a Liar
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 982 , Segment 3
Blood Alcohol, PolitiFact, VERITAS, Macho Dads, Ida B Wells
Episode: Blood Alcohol, PolitiFact, VERITAS, Macho Dads, Ida B Wells
- Jan 10, 2019 11:00 pm
- 11:53 mins
(Orginially aired 07/30/18) Guest: Norah Dunbar, Professor of Communication, UC Santa Barbara (07/30/2018) Sometimes politicians misstate facts. Sometimes they twist the facts on purpose. Sometimes they just flat lie. So let’s talk about that. We like to think we can tell when someone is lying –they act shifty; they’re not making eye contact. But it turns out humans are terrible at spotting a liar. We can be trained, though. And University of California-Santa Barbara communication professor Norah Dunbar has developed a video simulation to speed up the process of training someone to detect a lie.