Market for Algorithms
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 60 , Segment 4
British Elections, Exploding Head Syndrome, Food, Algorithms
Episode: British Elections, Exploding Head Syndrome, Food, Algorithms
- May 11, 2015 9:00 pm
- 14:01 mins
Guest: Kenny Daniel, the CTO and co-founder of Algorithmia Behind every search result on Google or friend post that shows up in your Facebook feed or recommendation that pops up when you shop on Amazon is an algorithm. It's a set of detailed instructions your computer follows to solve a problem. And when you think about how ubiquitous they are in our digital lives, it's easy to understand why a company like Algorithmia is having such success. Algorithmia is a market, and even a matchmaking service, for people who write algorithms and people who need them in the apps they're developing.