Small Steps to Allergy Immunity

Small Steps to Allergy Immunity

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1792 , Segment 3

Beethoven Variations, pMRI, Allergy Desensitization

Episode: Beethoven Variations, pMRI, Allergy Desensitization

  • Jul 6, 2022 6:00 am
  • 16:49

People with a severe food allergy to something like peanuts or milk have to be constantly on alert because even a trace exposure can be life-threatening. The only real treatment for food allergies is something called desensitization, which works, but it can be grueling. It’s basically giving someone tiny doses of the allergen to build up a tolerance over time. The Sean Parker Center for Allergy and Asthma Research at Stanford is on the cutting edge of developing better ways to cure food allergies. Andrew Long is a lead investigator on the team. (Segment produced by Cole Cummings)