Rodeo Clown Troy Lerwill is The Wild Child

Rodeo Clown Troy Lerwill is The Wild Child

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 925 , Segment 1

Rodeo Clown, Political Voice, Trust in Government

Episode: Rodeo Clown, Political Voice, Trust in Government

  • Oct 19, 2018 11:00 pm
  • 50:53 mins

Guest: Troy Lerwill “The Wild Child,” Professional Rodeo Clown, Six-time PRCA Clown of the Year The giant pants, weird hats, and bright face paint are a fixture in the modern rodeo arena. They’re not just there to keep bulls from goring cowboys. They’re also featured entertainment. Some have acts that are silly. Others, downright death defying. This hour we’re talking to one of the best in the business. He’s been named the best Comedy Act of the Year on the pro rodeo circuit four times and PRCA Clown of the Year six times.