Makeup Not FDA Approved

Makeup Not FDA Approved

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 641 , Segment 2

Paying for Tax Reform, Make-up Not FDA Approved, Girls Will Be

Episode: Paying for Tax Reform, Make-up Not FDA Approved, Girls Will Be

  • Sep 18, 2017 11:00 pm
  • 20:07 mins

Guest: Steve Xu, MD, Resident Physician, Department of Dermatology, Fienberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University Okay ladies--long eyelashes, plump lips, thick hair… sounds great, right? Well, not if that product causes serious skin irritation, which is what happened a few years ago with WEN Chaz Dean Cleansing Conditioners. The FDA got 127 complaints, and when they started investigating, they found that the manufacturer itself had received over 21,000 complaints from customers! Why didn’t the FDA get involved earlier?  A new study shows that more and more consumers have been complaining to the FDA about cosmetics recently, and the authors of the study have some insight as to why that’s the case and what can be done about it.