Changing Weather, Holograms, Deceptive Commercials, Movies

Changing Weather, Holograms, Deceptive Commercials, Movies

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 4, Episode 34

  • Feb 27, 2015 7:00 am
  • 2:08:59 mins

Kevin Eubank (12:07)  Kevin Eubank, KSL TV Salt Lake City Meteorologist, talks about the changing weather and what we can expect in the coming years. Javid Khan (53:48)  Javid Khan from Hiloxicva  is involved in the business and innovation involved in holograms. He discusses the use of holograms in Movies, Business, and Medicine. Olga Khazan (1:14:26)  Olga Khazan a writer for The Atlantic, on how often people shower globally. The findings are surprising. Marty Nemko (1:37:10)  Martin Nathan Nemko is an American career coach, author, columnist, and radio host who talks about deceptive commercials and how we can watch for false information. Rod Gustafson (2:02:39)  Rod Gustafson from Parental Previews reviews the movie Lazarus Effect and talks about what is new on DVD this week.