"I'm Not Normal and Neither Are You." Life With Treacher Collins Syndrome
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1342 , Segment
Veterans' Memories, Identifying Service Members, Normal
Episode: Veterans' Memories, Identifying Service Members, Normal
- May 25, 2020 8:00 pm
- 40:08
Guest: Magdalena and Nathaniel Newman, Authors of "Normal: A Mother and Her Beautiful Son" The book for young readers called Wonder by RJ Palacio–and the movie based on it –gave people a better understanding of Treacher Collins syndrome. It’s a genetic condition that causes severe facial deformities like Auggie has in Wonder. Nathaniel Newman is sometimes called “the real life Auggie,” because he has Treacher Collins, too, but that’s pretty much where the similarities stop. Nathaniel and his mother Magda tell their story in a memoir called Normal: A Mother and Her Beautiful Son. (Originally aired 1/30/2020)