How a job acquires a gender
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 203 , Segment 1
Gendered Jobs, How to Sleep, Too Busy for Friends
Episode: Gendered Jobs, How to Sleep, Too Busy for Friends
- Aug 26, 2017 4:00 pm
- 45:48 mins
Laura Doering is an Assistant Professor of Strategy and Organization, McGill University. Professor Doering researches the impact of sociological forces on economic development in emerging markets. Her work examines how factors like personal relationships, status characteristics, household constraints, and spatial location shape economic outcomes for entrepreneurs and organizations. Ph.D. in Sociology and Business Administration, University of Chicago. Why is it that some jobs are seen as best suited for women and other jobs are for men? Women are assigned receptionist, nursing, and childcare while men get construction, mechanic, and managerial jobs. Laura Doering explains how Gender bias in the workplace can disadvantage women and men.