Couples' Getaways, The Perfect Nap, Everyday Rockstar, Familial Valentine's Day
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 388
- Feb 12, 2020 7:00 am
- 50:39 mins
Lisa’s Adventure Club: Couples’ Getaways (0:00:00) Welcome to Lisa’s Adventure Club. We want to help you find and create adventures both big and small to bring more excitement, joy and fun into your life. And, who better to go experience new adventures with than your spouse or partner. On this week’s adventure club, we have our friend Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby, a family, marriage and life therapist, on the show to help us plan unique adventures with our significant others that will also help bring us closer together. Taking the Perfect Nap (0:13:51) Why did naptime end when we were done with kindergarten? Naps are something that can be a powerful reset button for the rest of your day! But sometimes I’ve woken up from a good nap feeling even more exhausted than when I went to sleep. If done wrong, a nap even has the potential to ruin our entire sleep schedule! With us today is Dr. Chad Jensen, a professor of psychology at Brigham Young University. Everyday Rockstar (0:27:51) Lisa talks with an Everyday Rockstar who was nominated by a listener. You or someone you know can be featured on the show too! Send your nominations to Familial Valentine’s Day (0:34:47) The ancient Greeks had 7 different words for love, but now a days it seems that all you see is Eros: the crazy, romantic, cupid arrow, kind of love. With movies, books, and tiny chalk candies teaching our kids about Eros how can we widen their perspective on love? Lucky for us, we don’t have to be Greek Philosophers or linguist to figure this out. Joining us today is Carrie Ann Rhodes to talk about how to celebrate Storge or familial love this Valentine’s Day.