Rabbit and the Alligators

Rabbit and the Alligators

The Apple Seed - Season 1, Episode 4 , Segment 1

S1 E4: Rabbit and the Alligators

Episode: S1 E4: Rabbit and the Alligators

  • Jul 21, 2021
  • 10:02

Welcome to The Apple Seed! Some time filled with stories for you and your family. Since 2013 we’ve been bringing you tall tales, personal tales, fairy tales, historical tales and more. All kinds of tales, from all kinds of tellers. One of the most prevalent traditions in storytelling around the world is that of tricksters. It’s always so much fun to watch Anansi the Spider pull one over on Lion, or Tom Sawyer con the other boys into doing his chores. As tricksters lay traps, however, sometimes they find that they end up being the one caught in the trap. In today’s stories, we’ll get to see tricksters at work fooling other people, or getting fooled themselves, and even by themselves. On today’s episode, enjoy the following: “Rabbit and the Alligators” by Mary Hamilton from Alligators, Bees, & Surprise Oh, My!: Folktales Revived! (3:02) Radio Family Journal: "Patches" by Sam Payne (16:09) The Daily Mix: "Grandma's Chicken Soup" with Jeff Simpson (23:01) “It Could Happen!” by Dolores Hydock from It Could Happen! Stories of Hope and Possibility (31:47) “Coyote and the Bluebirds” by Tim Lowry from Folk Tales from Around the World (51:32)