  • Oct 31, 2018 6:00 am
  • 55:23 mins

Matt talks all about Halloween and takes some great advice from experts on how we can make this year the best Halloween yet! He first talks about the potential pitfalls and potential weight gain that can result from eating too much Halloween candy with healthy living expert Margret Marshall. She discuses a few simple tips that you can keep in mind to prevent you from becoming a slave to the sugery goodness. Next Matt hosts author Susan Linn to talk about how you can help your children and family deal with the scary things that tend to abound at this time of year. Matt learns how to help children through scary situations and how to help them distinguish between what is real and what is fake. Finally Matt has author and former big mountain skier Kristen Ulmer on to talk about the root emotion that we always seem to face at Halloween, fear. In their interview Kristen shows us how we never really have to conqure our fears as much as embrace them. All this and more on this special episod...