Sharia's Closet

Sharia's Closet

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 738 , Segment 4

The Bun Hatter Sanctuary and Listen Like You Mean It

Episode: The Bun Hatter Sanctuary and Listen Like You Mean It

  • Jun 8, 2021 12:00 pm
  • 15:33

In Elton John’s famous musical Aida, the main character proudly declares “I am what I wear... for my dress has always been my strongest suit.” Though amusing in this musical context, do you think there might be some truth to it? Does the way you dress actually influence the way you preform and act? Well, according to a study done by Northwestern University, your clothing does in fact influence your performance at work and school. One organization, Sharia’s Closet, is a non-profit dedicated to empowering homeless and low-income individuals through their clothing. To tell us more about what they do is CEO and founder Shamine Linton.