Our Damaged Democracy

Our Damaged Democracy

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 756 , Segment 1

Our Damaged Democracy, Native American Slavery, Oscars

Episode: Our Damaged Democracy, Native American Slavery, Oscars

  • Feb 27, 2018
  • 22:13 mins

Guest: Joseph Califano, Author, “Our Damaged Democracy: We The People Must Act” America never seems so deeply divided as it does in these politically and emotionally-charged days after a mass shooting. Survivors plead. Pundits argue and accuse. Social media burns with inflammatory rhetoric. And in the end, we know there’s a good chance any efforts at change will end up stalled in Congress. After a lifetime serving in the halls of Washington power, Joseph Califano has concluded that American democracy is damaged. But it’s not Trump’s fault. Or Obama’s fault. Or the Republicans or the Democrats. We all bear some responsibility. And that means, we can all do something to help right the ship. Califano served in the Pentagon under Robert McNamara, as a domestic White House aide to President Johnson and as US Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under President Carter.