Brain Science Confirms that Giving Beats Receiving

Brain Science Confirms that Giving Beats Receiving

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 958 , Segment 2

George H.W. Bush, Gratitude & Charity, Lucid Dreaming, Spanish Archaeology

Episode: George H.W. Bush, Gratitude & Charity, Lucid Dreaming, Spanish Archaeology

  • Dec 5, 2018 10:00 pm
  • 14:52

Guest: Christina Karns, Research Associate, Center for Brain Injury Research and Training, University of Oregon. We’re in the season of giving and receiving. Some new brain imaging work reveals an interesting connection between the two – the more grateful you are for what you have, the more you enjoy giving to others. Also, gratitude can be intentionally cultivated and the results will show up in brain scans.