Career Help for Millennials
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 170 , Segment 4
Counterterrorism, All Souls Day, Sequoias, Careers for Millennials
Episode: Counterterrorism, All Souls Day, Sequoias, Careers for Millennials
- Nov 2, 2015 10:00 pm
- 15:52 mins
Guest: Craig Watkins, PhD, Professor of Radio-Television-Film at the University of Texas at Austin Millennials now comprise a larger share of the American workforce than any other population segment, according to 2015 Census data. The Pew Research Center says that means that one in three workers is between the ages of 18 and 34. Millennials need a different kind of workplace. And, just as importantly, they’re entering the workforce in a very tough economy where stable, meaningful employment is elusive. So they’re getting creative about making a living, often on the margin of the traditional economy. Prof. Watkins’ website to help Millennials develop careers can be found at