Healthy Diet Helps with Depression

Healthy Diet Helps with Depression

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 509 , Segment 3

Tumult in Asia, African Healthcare, Healthy Diets and Depression

Episode: Tumult in Asia, African Healthcare, Healthy Diets and Depression

  • Mar 14, 2017 11:00 pm
  • 12:00 mins

Guest: Felice Jacka, PhD, Professor of Nutritional and Epidemiological Psychiatry, Deakin University When we’re feeling anxious or sad, we feel it in our gut – we say, “I have butterflies in my stomach” or “I’m feeling sick to my stomach.” But the relationship between your brain and your belly goes both ways. A growing body of research suggests the health of your gut – especially the bacteria in your gut – affects your mental health.