S5 E9: Fractured Tales - Stories by Diane Ferlatte and Bil Lepp

S5 E9: Fractured Tales - Stories by Diane Ferlatte and Bil Lepp

The Apple Seed - Season 5, Episode 9

  • Dec 28, 2023 7:00 am
  • 28:00
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Diane Ferlatte and Bil Lepp from live recordings in the Apple Seed Studio. (1:15) "Sleeping Ugly" - Diane Ferlatte tells a story about a beautiful princess who, by meeting a fairy and a plain commoner, learns what happens if you forget to be kind. (18:44) "The Princess and the Pick-up" - Bil Lepp revamps a common fairytale featuring the blossoming relationship between a prince and a princess in the mountains. Great stories can change your world. What stories and memories were sparked for you and who will you share them with? Hosted by storyteller Sam Payne. A production of BYUradio.