The Apple-Orchard Sleuth

The Apple-Orchard Sleuth

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 611 , Segment 3

Trump's Immigration Reform, Lost Apples, Wearing Our Emotions

Episode: Trump's Immigration Reform, Lost Apples, Wearing Our Emotions

  • Aug 7, 2017 11:00 pm
  • 12:23 mins

Guest: David Benscoter, Retired Investigator for the FBI and United States Treasury David Benscoter retired from the FBI and turned his sleuthing skills to . . . apples. There used to be 17,000 varieties of apples in North America, but now you can find only about a dozen at your local grocer. David Benscoter combs abandoned orchards to find lost apple varieties and then works with Washington State University horticulturists to bring them back.