Whole Foods Leading to Whole Health

Whole Foods Leading to Whole Health

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 885 , Segment 3

Overcoming Negative Self Talk

Episode: Overcoming Negative Self Talk

  • May 4, 2022 6:00 am
  • 12:11 mins

Across the United States, the rates of chronic illness are steadily increasing. According to the CDC, six in ten American adults have a chronic illness and four of ten have two or more. These chronic illnesses range from high blood pressure and heart disease, to diabetes and strokes. What can we do to fight against the ever-rising rate of chronic illness in the United States? We’ve all heard the old adage “food is the best medicine”, but how true is it? Here with us today is physician and nutrition expert Dr. John Mc-Dougall, to share with us his research and findings on how vegetarian cuisine can help cause medical miracles.