Go FlyEase
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1644 , Segment 2
Music of Spheres, Prison Pell Grant, Smellicopter,
Episode: Music of Spheres, Prison Pell Grant, Smellicopter,
- Jul 16, 2021 8:00 pm
- 16:45 mins
Nike’s latest invention is a hands-free shoe. No laces. No Velcro. It’s part of the FlyEase collection the company’s been developing—a collection meant for people with disabilities. An open letter from a teenager is part of the reason the collection exists at all. Matthew Walzer wrote Nike’s CEO in 2012 because he struggles to tie his shoes due to his cerebral palsy; now, Matthew is 25, and his wish has been realized. (Originally aired: March 10th, 2021)