The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 643
- Sep 12, 2017 6:00 am
- 58:27 mins
It’s been 16 years since two planes crashed into the World Trade Centers. And in this episode we wanted to take some time to listen to some stories from great tellers that resulted from that terrible day. Stories that were written to help digest hard times, heal wounds, and assist us to step forward into the future as better people. An Everyday Hero by Anne Rutherford (2:18) A fictional piece about how an average man chooses to make a difference after the events of September 11th, 2001. Learn more about Anne Rutherford by visiting: Scheherazade by Mary Grace Ketner (15:30) The story of the woman who told the 1001 tales to keep from being killed by the sultan. Amidst that story Mary Grace Ketner shares a personal experience of being in the women’s room of a mosque to pray on the night of 9/11. Learn more about Mary Grace Ketner by visiting: September in Alaska by Bryan Bowers (23:41) Bryan describes his experience living in Alaska during the month of September, seeing all of the beautiful wildlife and fishing in the Kenai river with his son. Learn more about Bryan Bowers by visiting: Ohio Son by Sam Payne (38:10) This song is about a father who watches his son grow up in Ohio. He is there every step of the way in his son’s life, including when he goes off to war in Iraq. Learn more about Sam Payne by visiting: The Healing Sticks by Regina Ress (44:54) Regina Ress finds healing after 9/11 with an indigenous group in Costa Rica. Learn more about Regina Ress by visiting: