S1 E31: Mutsmeg
  • Oct 6, 2021 6:00 am
  • 56:50
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Welcome to The Apple Seed! Some time filled with stories for you and your family. Since 2013 we’ve been bringing you tall tales, personal tales, fairy tales, historical tales and more. All kinds of tales, from all kinds of tellers. In the words of singer/songwriter Jon McLaughlin, “we all need saving sometimes”. While we’re here on earth, we meet challenges and difficulties that we have to confront. Sometimes, these challenges seem impossible to overcome by ourselves. We’re really lucky though, because we don’t have to! When we find that our struggles are too heavy to carry alone, we can lean on others to help us shoulder the burden. In today’s stories, families and friends are right there to lend a helping hand when it’s most needed. On today’s episode, enjoy the following: “Water of Life” by Motoko from The Promise of Chrysanthemums (2:32) Radio Family Journal: "A Mile a Day" by Sam Payne (17:00) The Daily Mix: "Prayer" with Noa Baum (22:13) “Mutsmeg” by Tim Lowry from Getting the Creeps (32:13) “We Hold the Rope” by Sheila Arnold from Mini, Many, Minnie Tales (47:36)