Makena's Favorites, pt. 2
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 481
- Sep 1, 2016 6:00 am
- 58:29
A mix-and-match of assistant producer Makena Bauss' recent favorites from our extensive story collection. Woman of the Sea From the album "Diving and Emerging: Stories of Awakening", this selkie story is a favorite among Apple Seed team members. To learn more about Regi Carpenter visit regicarpenter.com Chilis Con Cafe This humorous tale about exchange programs and language barriers is from Oregon storyteller Rick Huddle's album "Citizen of the World." Our assistant producer Makena Bauss is a true traveler at heart. To learn more about Rick Huddle visit www.rickhuddle.com Emerson's Chevrolet Family cars, football, and fathers: a great story from Willy Claflin with something for everyone to relate to. To learn more about Willy Claflin visit www.willyclaflin.com Robbery, Forgive Us (song) A story about an experience with thievery with an unexpected ending and an uplifting message. To learn more about John McCutcheon visit www.folkmusic.com