Defunding Arts, Bullying and Chronic Disease, Talk to Your Spouse

Defunding Arts, Bullying and Chronic Disease, Talk to Your Spouse

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 110

  • May 10, 2017 6:00 am
  • 2:20:27 mins

Defund the Arts? (16:40) Aaron D. Knochel, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Art Education at the Penn State College of Arts and Architecture.  TV characters such as Elmo, Arthur, and Curious George are all about to get the “pink slip”.  Trump Administration and Conservative Law makers are pushing to defund publicly funded art programs and broadcast stations.  Art, music and public broadcasting always come up first when making budget cuts.  Aaron Knochel explains why people what to defund the arts, why it is a bad idea, and what the future of the arts would be without public funding. Childhood Bullying Can Lead to Chronic Disease (1:02:23) Susannah Tye, Ph.D., is director of the Translational Neuroscience Laboratory in the Department of Psychiatry & Psychology at Mayo Clinic. Dr. Tye’s team now works to identify the mechanisms through which stress contributes to the development of psychiatric disorders, with a focus on factors that control synaptic function.  Many children will...