Stories From Hawaii
  • May 5, 2014 6:00 am
  • 58:12
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Stories included in this episode: Alton Chung Story 1: Punia and Kaialeale Teller: Alton Chung Site: Notes: The story of a young boy who defeats the deadliest shark in the bay. Richard and Judy Dockery Young Story 2: Spirit of Fire Teller: Richard and Judy Dockery Young Site: Notes: The legend of Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of fire. Jeff Gere Story 3: Panui Stone Teller: Jeff Gere Site: Notes: A mystical shape-shifting stone prevents a murder. Willy Claflin Story 4: Ka-ulu the Strong Teller: Willy Claflin Site: Notes: A story about brothers and responsibility. The Apple Seed Story 5: Mo’o Tales Teller: Lopaka Kapanui Site: Notes: Lopaka shares his experiences with the mysterious Mo'o spirits of Hawaii. These stories were recorded for Hawaii's Talk Story Festival.