Gastric Bypass Study
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 22 , Segment 3
Supreme Court Influence, Mars One, Bariatric Surgery
Episode: Supreme Court Influence, Mars One, Bariatric Surgery
- Mar 10, 2015 9:00 pm
- 14:50 mins
(35:35) Guest: Lance Davidson, Exercise Science Assistant Professor at BYU as well as a Research Assistant Professor in Cardiovascular Genetics at the University of Utah School of Medicine Surgery is an increasingly common way for severely obese Americans to lose weight. Gastric bypass—which basically reroutes the intestines to make the stomach smaller—generally leads to rapid initial weight loss. But to-date, there’s been little research on how well people who undergo the procedure keep the weight off and benefit from the surgery after the first few years. "Of the study, after 6 years, 66% were no longer diabetic. Blood levels stay normal without medicine. We will check them at ten years and see what really happens. But we know that the good cholesterol goes up, and the bad goes down,” says Davidson.