Overcoming Anxiety
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 882 , Segment 6
How Much Money Can a District Save With a Four-Day School Week?, The Curious Canon on Swamp Sparrow Songs, Airbnb and the Economy
Episode: How Much Money Can a District Save With a Four-Day School Week?, The Curious Canon on Swamp Sparrow Songs, Airbnb and the Economy
- Aug 21, 2018 9:00 pm
- 17:43 mins
Guest: Carrie Wrigley, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Morning Light Counseling About 3 in 10 American adults will have an anxeity disorder at some point in their lives, according to the National Insitute of Mental Health. When anxiety strikes, your mind can start to race, chest can constrict, and breathing can shallow. Many people that experience anxiety feel they've completely lost control. Counselor Carrie Wrigley has some advice to help you or your child overcome anxiety.