Prima Donna
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 777
- Jul 18, 2018 6:00 am
- 57:19 mins
Stories all about divas, or, as the Italian say, “prime donne.” That’s the plural form of “prima donna,” a term which literally means “first lady.” In 19th century Italy, the prima donna was the leading female singer in an opera company. The prime donne gained a reputation of being just as dramatic offstage as they were onstage. There are many stories of leading ladies putting unnecessary demands on fellow singers, musicians, set and wardrobe designers, and other staff. Today, the term "prima donna" is used to describe a person in any field who is particularly vain, demanding, temperamental, or self-entitled. The Swan Tenor by Bob Reiser (1:52) Cinderella's Choice: A Cante Fable by Angela Lloyd (10:49) The 3 Bears by Susan Klein (29:36) Cinderella and The Three Bears by Willy Claflin (35:26) Equations by Jay O'Callahan (42:41)