Movies Examine the Afterlife

Movies Examine the Afterlife

Screen Cleaning - Season 2, Episode 29

  • Jul 26, 2019 6:00 am
  • 57:28 mins
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There are a surprising number of movies where people see dead people. It’s not always horror or comedy where those ghosts need busting either. Filmmakers through the years have told serious stories exploring what the afterlife could look like for us and those we love. Jeff and Cole take the dive into the unknown today and talk about the most interesting, thought provoking, funny, or plain enjoyable versions of afterlife on the big screen. Comic-Con was last week, and the guys have an extended news wrap up talking about trailers, tv series, and of course Marvel Phase 4. Finally, they talk the Box Office and give two small screen recommendations that present two very different versions of the afterlife in Panning for Good. Hopefully always a stairway to heaven, not a highway to hell on Screen Cleaning.