Sports Sponsorship, Secrets of Happy Kids, Collapse of Parenting
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 30
- Feb 4, 2016 7:00 am
- 2:22:05 mins
Sports Sponsorship and Stock Returns. (16:15) Dr. Asaaf Eisdorfer, Associate Professor of finance at University of Connecticut, and author of the study, “Corporate Sport Sponsorship and Stock Returns: Evidence from the NFL” . Dr. Eisdorfer’s study seeks to examine the effect on Sponsor’s stock returns after game day. Dr. Eisdorfer shares his findings. Secrets of Highly Happy Kids (1:02:03) Katie Hurley, LCSW, is a child and adolescent psychotherapist, writer and speaker in Los Angeles, CA. Katie’s work can be found online at PBS Parents,, Everyday Family, Momtastic, and The Huffingtons Post. She is the author of “They Happy Kid Handbook: How to Raise Joyful Children in a Stressful World”. Katie Hurley shares her Secrets of Highly Happy Kids. Collapse of Parenting (1:48:58) Dr. Leonard Sax earned a Doctorate in psychology as well as an MD. He established a family practice in Montgomery County Maryland and has built an international reputation as an expert in issues of child and adolescent development. He is the author of several books including his most recent, The Collapse of Parenting. Dr. Leonard Sax says that treating our kids like grownups may “lead children and teenagers to become less resilient, less physically fit, and more likely to become anxious or depressed- and far more fragile –compared with kids from the same demographic 30 years ago.“