Dungeons and Dragons
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 756 , Segment 2
Dungeons and Dragons and How to Stay Sober on One of the Biggest Drinking Days of the Year
Episode: Dungeons and Dragons and How to Stay Sober on One of the Biggest Drinking Days of the Year
- Jul 2, 2021 12:00 pm
- 16:55 mins
If you were to ask any of your peers 5 or 10 years ago if they’ve ever played Dungeons and Dragons, they’d probably have laughed at you. But over the past couple of years, there’s been a kind of renaissance for board games –especially table top role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons. It's being incorporated into nostalgic media (looking at you, Stranger Things), pop culture, and even more practical fields like education and therapy. You might have grown up thinking that this game was a sign of social doom, or something even more sinister, but we have one pro-player here to tell you about the potential found in this often misunderstood game. Patrick Newman is an Instructional Designer and Learning Technologist who incorporates game-play into building training programs. But besides that, he’s a game creative who just wants to share what he loves.