America's Tangled Relationship with Zoos and the "Wild" Animals Within

America's Tangled Relationship with Zoos and the "Wild" Animals Within

Constant Wonder - Season 2022, Episode 142 , Segment 2

Food Biodiversity, Pressure to Cook, Zoos, Religion and International Policy

Episode: Food Biodiversity, Pressure to Cook, Zoos, Religion and International Policy

  • Apr 8, 2019 8:00 pm
  • 19:32

Guest: Daniel Bender, Professor of History, University of Toronto, Scarborough Viewing animals in steel cages is kind of an odd way to learn about wildlife, but zoos have always played a key role in how Americans have learned about exotic creatures and their habitats. Zoos have increasingly become a battleground, however--an anachronism in the eyes of animal rights activists. But they're undeniably also a means of preserving threatened species. What is the zoo's role in modern society? Entertainment, preservation, or education?