Can Artificial Intelligence Make Food Taste Better?
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 967 , Segment 3
Shutdown Drama, E. Coli, AI with Taste, Sumatran Rhino
Episode: Shutdown Drama, E. Coli, AI with Taste, Sumatran Rhino
- Dec 18, 2018 11:00 pm
- 15:18 mins
Guest: Jason Cohen, Founder and CEO of Analytical Flavor Systems The failures of New Coke and Crystal Pepsi are legendary in the soda business. But take a walk down the food aisle at a closeout store and it’s clear food companies are always gambling on new flavors that flop. At least a third of new food products fail in the first year and a half they’re on the market. Could artificial intelligence give food companies the ability to make their new flavors sure-fire hits?