Online Dating, Social Media Extremism, High BP Guidelines
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 287
- Dec 2, 2017 7:00 am
- 148:55
Future of Online Dating (21:06) Jen Golbeck, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland. ‘It was love at first swipe’ or ‘Facebook stalking brought us together’ are not the romantic stories you want to be shared at your wedding. However, online dating is on the rise, with varying levels of success. Jen Golbeck shares her research into online dating and what future holds for online romance. How Social Media Builds Extremist Divisions (1:11:40) Robert V. Kozinets, Ph.D., is the Jayne and Hans Hufschmid Chair of Strategic Public Relations at USC Annenberg, a position he shares with the USC Marshall School of Business. Robert has authored and co-authored over 150 pieces of research on the intersection of technology, media, brands, and consumers. In one study released in late October by the Pew Research Center, Americans were found to have become increasingly partisan in their views. On issues as diverse as health care, immigration, race, and sexuality, Americans today hold more extreme and more divergent views than they did a decade ago. Robert Kozinets discusses the reason for this change. New High Blood Pressure Guidelines for Adults (1:59:38) Paul K. Whelton M.B., M.D., M.Sc. currently works at Tulane University as the Show Chwan Health System Endowed Chair in Global Public Health. Dr. Paul Whelton's research interests include cardiovascular and renal disease epidemiology, prevention, clinical trials, health policy, and global health. Poor diets and not enough exercise are the cause of a majority of high blood pressure. Now that guidelines for high blood pressure have recently changed, almost half of U.S. adults are dealing with the realities of high blood pressure. Why were these guidelines changed and what does it mean for you? Dr. Paul Whelton led the panel that changed the guidelines. He shares what the change in high blood pressure guidelines means for us.