Phoenix Fire (A Mythological Adventure)

Phoenix Fire (A Mythological Adventure)

Kaboom: An Audio Adventure Podcast - Season 4, Episode 3

  • Feb 14, 2025 7:00 am
  • 21:59
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Young mythology buff Trent and his forest ranger mom must capture an out-of-control phoenix before it destroys the forest. Phoenix Fire was written by Tristan Schetzel and directed by Brian Tanner. The cast included Johnny Turner as Trent, Lisa Valentine Clark as Karly, and Timothy Threlfall as Joe. The sound team for this adventure was led by Trent Reimschussel, with engineering by DJ Cromarty, Brandon Lewis, and Joshua Foutz, dialogue editing by DJ Cromarty and James Call, music editing by DJ Cromarty, James Call, and Brandon Lewis, and Sound Design and Mixing by DJ Cromarty. Original episode art by Adrian Walsh. The Kaboom writing team includes Kay Hendrickson, Tristan Schetzel, and Nicho Wetsel. Our theme music was written by Sam Clawson. For more great storytelling for families check out our companion podcast The Apple Seed, available wherever you get your podcasts. Kaboom: An Audio Adventure Podcast is a production of BYUradio.