The Dangers of Diet Talk
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 667 , Segment
Diet Talk and Online Doctor Visits
Episode: Diet Talk and Online Doctor Visits
- Mar 2, 2021 1:00 pm
- 17:40
Most, if not all of us, have tried a new diet or fitness routine at some point in our lives. And that’s okay, because there’s nothing wrong with having a desire to be better, fitter, and healthier. But when other people approach us with unsolicited advice about diets or how to lose weight, then I think that’s when the conversation around diets becomes negative. Because, we then become hyper focused on how other people see us and our flaws. So, how can we talk about diets and weight loss without degrading our bodies or others? And how do we navigate diet talk when other people bring it up in a negative way? Here to answer all of our questions and help guide us talk about diets in a healthy way is Connie Sobczak, the co-founder and executive director of The Body Positive.