On a Dark and Stormy Night by Mitch Weiss & Martha Hamilton

On a Dark and Stormy Night by Mitch Weiss & Martha Hamilton

The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 602 , Segment 4

Unexpected Resolutions

Episode: Unexpected Resolutions

  • Jun 8, 2017 6:00 am
  • 5:07

Every time a storm rolls in a ghoulish lady with bright red lips and bright red fingernails appears at the window. Do you dare to find out what she does with those red lips and red fingernails? Mitch Weiss and his wife, Martha Hamilton, are a storytelling duo who've produced albums together and are known as Beauty and the Beast Storytellers - although they won't say who's who. Learn more about them by visiting beautyandthebeaststorytellers.com