Corker vs. Trump, Words for Influence, Misbehaving Children
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 241
- Oct 10, 2017 6:00 am
- 2:27:11 mins
Corker vs. Trump (19:04) Joe Cannon is the CEO of the Fuel Freedom Foundation, former Chairman of the Utah Republican Party, past assistant administrator in the US EPA, and editor of the Deseret News. Joe Cannon talks about the conflict between Sen. Bob Corker (TN) and President Trump Liana Tan - Ridiculous Spending (43:31) We spend our money on many different things in life. Food, clothing, and a place to live are some of the basics. But our producer Liana Tan points out some of the items and experiences that some people spend money that doesn't seem to make much sense. Many of these examples can be seen as "ridiculous spending" The Magic Words for Influence and Impact (1:10:00) Phil Jones speaks on sales training and is a best-selling author. His new book is Exactly What to Say: The Magic Words for Influence and Impact. He entered into the business world at the age of 14 washing cars and has since been involved in many different businesses. It’s hard to know exactly what to say to motivate others to do what you want. If only you could snap your fingers and everyone would do what you want them to do. What if there were some “magic” words you could say to influence people? Phil M. Jones teaches us exactly what to say and the “magic words” to persuade and influence others. The Reason Children Misbehave (2:01:56) Thomas Winterman is a father, husband, therapist, school counselor, author, and blogger who lives in Panama City, Florida. He has worked in the mental health field for a number of years, mostly serving underprivileged children at a non-profit agency as both a social worker and a clinical counselor. It’s a new month and a great time to make new goals. Every minute you are changing into a new person, for the better or for the worse. Thomas Winterman discusses his book, “The Thrive Life,” and help us understand some of the reasons children misbehave and different ways parents can respond.