Why Are Farmers Throwing Out Their Crops?

Why Are Farmers Throwing Out Their Crops?

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1329 , Segment 4

Tribes Sue for COVID-19 Funds, Wasted Produce, Kim Jong Un

Episode: Tribes Sue for COVID-19 Funds, Wasted Produce, Kim Jong Un

  • May 6, 2020 8:00 pm
  • 14:31 mins

Guest: Bradley Rickard, Professor of Food and Agriculture Economics at Cornell University There’s a frustrating disconnect in America’s food system right now – food banks are struggling to meet demand, while farmers are forced to dump their produce and milk for lack of a place to sell it. The US Department of Agriculture is trying to get a program up and running to compensate farmers for their pandemic-related losses and purchase some of the excess food so it can be distributed to people in need. Why did it take the federal government to step in and bridge that gap?