Western Domination
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 150 , Segment 3
Supreme Court, Forgiveness, Western Europe, Eritrea
Episode: Supreme Court, Forgiveness, Western Europe, Eritrea
- Oct 1, 2015 9:00 pm
- 16:02 mins
Guest: Phillip Hoffman, Ph.D., Professor of Business Economics and History at Cal Tech As countries in the European Union deal with a surge of migrants from war-torn countries and the escalation of conflicts on their own borders, there’s renewed talk about the need to work together on national defense. Earlier this year, the European Commission president event called for a common EU army. That’s a fascinating prospect when you consider that several hundred years ago, Western European nations were in a state of constant war against each other. Those centuries of battle forged the skill and technology Europeans needed to succeed in taking over much of the world by the early 1900s.