Adulthood for Beginners
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 254 , Segment 1
Adulthood for Beginners, Daydreaming Benefits, Mortality Mood
Episode: Adulthood for Beginners, Daydreaming Benefits, Mortality Mood
- Oct 25, 2017 4:00 pm
- 49:06 mins
Andy Boyle, Professor of digital storytelling at Columbia College Chicago. Boyle is a writer, web developer, and journalist. Adulting is tough. Many people graduate high school and college and realize that they do not have basic skills for life or that they have no idea what to do with their lives. Andy Boyle, the author of “Adulthood for Beginners: All the Life Secrets Nobody Bothered to Tell You” help us navigate through some of the challenges of navigating adulthood.