The Future of Wind Energy
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 51 , Segment 1
Wind Energy, Nepal, Leisure and Stress, Facebook Addiction
Episode: Wind Energy, Nepal, Leisure and Stress, Facebook Addiction
- Apr 28, 2015 9:00 pm
- 20:31 mins
Guest: Jose Zayas, Director of the Wind and Water Power Technologies Office at the U.S. Department of Energy From time to time we like to take a closer look at various sources of sustainable energy. Wind is the very essence of clean and sustainable, so we've wondered why it's not used more. Currently, only 4-and-a-half-percent of the nation's electricity comes from wind power. But an energy market report out yesterday from the firm BTM Consult says wind turbine installations around the world increased by 42% in 2014, over the previous year. Most of that growth was in China, Germany and the U.S.