Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable Tourism

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 230 , Segment 3

New Hampshire, Life of a Mayor, Sustainable Tourism, SE Asia

Episode: New Hampshire, Life of a Mayor, Sustainable Tourism, SE Asia

  • Feb 10, 2016 10:00 pm
  • 12:27 mins

Guest: Kelly Bricker, PhD, Professor and Chair of the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism at the University of Utah  It’s the middle of February, and people tired of the cold and snow begin to think about spring break and summer vacation. If you can afford it, planning a visit to a tropical island just might pull you out of the winter doldrums. There’s a lot to consider when booking that vacation: Where do you really want to go? How much can you spend? And what kind of impact your visit will make on the destination you choose? Ok, there probably aren’t a lot of people who ask themselves that last question, but maybe more people should. And not just for the benefit of that local economy that relies on tourism.