Big Pharma and Generics
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 837 , Segment 4
Bias and Insubordination at the FBI, Revisiting the Marshmallow Test, Unmasking Robin Williams
Episode: Bias and Insubordination at the FBI, Revisiting the Marshmallow Test, Unmasking Robin Williams
- Jun 19, 2018 11:00 pm
- 13:32 mins
Guest: Jim Ruble, PharmD, JD, Professor of Pharmacy and Healthcare Law, University of Utah Americans typically pay much higher prices for prescription drugs than patients in other countries – especially name-brand drugs. Which is why so many of us urge our doctors to prescribe generic drugs whenever possible. And that’s also why drug companies use lots of strategies to keep generic versions of their big money-making drugs off the market. What’s the fairest way to honor the investment drug companies make in developing new medicine, while also encouraging competition to keep prices in check?