Tech Transfer
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 121 , Segment
Teacher Shortage, Leisure and Health, Women Live Longer
Episode: Teacher Shortage, Leisure and Health, Women Live Longer
- Aug 17, 2015 9:00 pm
- 17:38
Guests: Bill Baker, Ph.D., Retired Professor of Organizational Leadership and Strategy at BYU; Ken Meyers, CEO of goreact.com; Mike Alder, Director at BYU's Technology Transfer Office If it’s been awhile since you were in school, I’m going to ask you to think back to what might have been among the more stressful moments in your college career . . . the class presentation. Maybe your final grade was riding on it. Maybe it was a group project you and your classmates had rehearsed for weeks. PowerPoint was the newfangled thing we had to incorporate into our presentation when I was in college. While we spoke – and sweated – in front of the class, I recall my professor scribbling notes so furiously it was rare to see her actually looking at us. That was 20 years ago, and I’m told things haven’t changed much. But they could if more professors were to adopt the technology Bill Baker came up with. It’s a quick and easy way for people to record a presentation and then offer feedback moment-by-moment.