Environmental Policy
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 42 , Segment 4
Death Penalty, Light Cigarettes, Environmental Policy
Episode: Death Penalty, Light Cigarettes, Environmental Policy
- Apr 14, 2015 9:00 pm
- 24:44 mins
Guest: Gesa Luedecke, works at the University of Colorado Boulder’s Center for Science and Technology Policy Research. She studies the impact of the media on shaping individual perceptions and behavior about climate change When warnings about climate change first start to resonate in the media, an image of a polar bear stranded on a melting iceberg became iconic. The media's treatment of climate change and its causes has since evolved. So have scientific and public opinion of the issue. Gesa Luedecke has been studying the media’s influence on public opinion and behavior toward climate change as a post doctorate scholar at the University of Colorado Boulder's Center for Science and Technology Policy Research.