Why No Deal is Better than a Bad Brexit Deal
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 917 , Segment 1
Brexit, Deadly Flu, Divorce and Degrees, Myers-Briggs
Episode: Brexit, Deadly Flu, Divorce and Degrees, Myers-Briggs
- Oct 9, 2018 11:00 pm
- 22:53 mins
Guest: Nathan Gill, Member, European Parliament, Wales, UKIP The divorce date is six months away and the terms of the separation are still not clear. The next several weeks are crucial if Britain and the European Union are going to be able to come up with a plan that their parliaments can agree to and set in motion by the end of March. There are still major hang ups over trade and borders. And there are still very outspoken supporters of Brexit who have begun using the mantra “Leave Means Leave.” They want a clean, swift exit. Walking away with no deal – and the chaos that could bring to the UK – is better than a bad deal, they say.