Oceania Stories

Oceania Stories

The Apple Seed

  • Aug 15, 2016 6:00 pm
  • 56:06 mins
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One part of a mini-series dedicated to stories rooted in all areas of the world. Oceania is a region centered on the islands of the tropical Pacific and includes such countries and areas as Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia. Enjoy stories in this episode from the mythology of Oceania! Stories included in this episode: How Pele Came to Hawaii Alton Chung is utilizes the power of story to bridge cultures and promote healing. Mixing together the traditions of the Hawaiian Islands, Korea, and Japan, Alton breathes life and magic into supersititions, folk tales, and historical narratives that bridge gaps between cultures and generations.  www.altonchung.com Interview with Palikiko Chandler Palakiko Chandler, an assistant producer on The Matt Townsend show and part of our BYUradio family, was born and raised one the beautiful island of 'O'ahu. During his childhood, Palakiko attended a Hawaiian language and cultural immersion school where he cultivated an appreciation for the storytelling traditions of his heritage. Mo'o Tales Lopaka Kapnui is a native Hawaiian storyteller and cultural practitioner who has made a business of sharing his knowledge of the history and legends of Hawai'i, and leading guests to some of the spookiest places on the island of 'O'ahu. Mo'o a species of mythic shapeshifters and guardians, often appearing as beautiful maidens or dragons.mysteries-of-hawaii.com Cannibal Woman of Micronesia Dan Kelin has served as the Honolulu Theatre of Youth Director of Drama Education since 1987. A Master Teaching Artist, he is on the roster of the John F. Kennedy Center for hte Performing Arts and has served as a consultant and trainer for many arts and social services nationally and internationally. Dan Kelin, the storyteller, shares the rich stories of Hawai'i's multi-cultural landscape. www.danielakelin.com Didgeridoo & Dreamtime Paul Taylor, acclaimed Aussie performing artist, delights in celebrating the culture of his homeland through story, song, dance, painting, and didgjeridoo. This story highlights the Aboriginal cultural tradition native to Australia and is set in "the dreamtime": the golden age when the first ancestors were created.  Kondili the Whale This origin story from Jenni Cargill-Strong is an Ramindjeri Aboriginal tale set before people had fire. From Kondili, the whale man, sparks of flames would shoot from his feet as he danced.www.storytree.com.au

Episode Segments